1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/press-announcements
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/understand-your-xcode-projects-structure-better-using-project-statistics/
2/10/2014 8:51:42 AM
Understand Your Xcode Projects Structure Better using Project Statistics
Project Statistics, Xcode, OOP
App Developer Magazine
Understand Your Xcode Projects Structure Better using Project Statistics

Press Announcements

Understand Your Xcode Projects Structure Better using Project Statistics

Monday, February 10, 2014

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Project Statistics for Xcode helps developers and managers all around the world to get fast and easy to understand statistics regarding their project.

Just drag and drop your project folder into Project Statistics for Xcode in order to start viewing your statistics and you will be 1 step closer to a better understanding of your project's structure.

This tool is aimed to developers who want to keep track of their work, learn from it (based on the statistics provided) and improve their code later on. In the same time this tool can be used by managers who want to keep track of efficiency and code structure of their employees. And the last, but not the least, this awesome tool can be used by students who are at the beginning of their road to becoming better developers and are aware that the efficiency is the keystone for success.

Some of the features that are available are: everything works offline, you don't need to upload your code to any server, it works with any version of Xcode, it integrated statistics for both storyboards and normal XIB files, full support for c/cpp/h/hh/m/mm source files, ability to count properly, memory efficient, the number of methods used in these source files, ability to include/exclude certain 3rd party libraries that you don't want to count against the total number of lines and also ability to export all these statistical in both pdf and csv format.

Project Statistics for Xcode is the perfect tool that comes hand in hand with your favorite development IDE for iOS and Mac projects: Xcode. Not only that you have a lot of statistics at your fingertips with the easiness of a single drag and drop, but in the same time you get code suggestions based on graphical representation of your data: which classes contain most responsibility, if they are way above the average and if that responsibility should be spitted and handled by other classes as well in order to use the principles of OOP at their best.

First we started this as a fun project, just to have a bird's eye on the code we wrote (of course having the same quality and design as all the other top applications we have done for ourselves or for our customers), but soon it turned out into a very powerful statistical tool that can really help you manage your code better, if you really know how to use it. The latest version has a built in tutorial as well so everything was made as easy as possible for the normal user. 

Read more: http://www.lamobratory.com/project-statistics-xcod...

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